Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Stepping Into the Blogging World

Today is my first step into the world of blogging. I'm excited, nervous, overwhelmed, and just plain scared! Someone once said to me, "I don't know why people write their thoughts out on that internet! They think they have something interesting enough to say that people will want to read?" Basically I heard the short version: Who do they think they are? Personally I find fascinating blogs daily and have several more of which I am an avid follower, so I know that thinking is incorrect. But there is a little troll that lives in my head who tries to squash most of my creative ideas, and she has been shouting that comment all morning long! I bet several of you have your own version of my troll - maybe I'll try to capture her on paper later.

I know this is a bit rough at this point, as far as blogs go. Please bear with me as I learn to navigate this new medium, and over the next several days I'll brighten the entries with some sparkle and pictures.  I hope that you will find this a welcoming, inspiring, creative space, and that you will visit often.  Please sign up to follow me, and I welcome your comments.  


  1. A mother of 4 children with nothing interesting to write about? I find that hard to believe! I enjoy all the things you post on Facebook and look forward to seeing what other goodies you have to share!

  2. I for one plan on checking back. Imagine if everybody just assumed that what they had to say offered nothing of interest to anyone else? We'd have nothing at all.

  3. Hey Polly dear! It's looking good, indeed. Great job!

  4. I'm so excited you have started a blog. I can't wait to read what you have to share, as many others are anxiously waiting as well.
